Qualification standings

Callsign lookup


Total WRTC qualification points: 1771
Total WRTC qualification points (with claimed scores): 1771
Area rank: 56 in AS1
Country rank: 63 in UA9 - Asiatic Russia
Multi operator entries: 5
Outside own area entries: 0
Total contest entries: 9

Event Year Mode Qualification Points Entry WRTC Category Contest Score Best Score by Remarks
RRDXC 2019 MIX 337 RN9T
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA, RC9T, RU8T, UB9SDV
MS 2296701 6138846 UA9MA
CQWPX 2019 SSB 0 (21) RU8T
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA
SOHP 340990 15483480 4L0A More than one entry for this contest.
CQWW 2019 SSB 30 RN9T
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA, RU8T, RC9T, UB8SDV, RW9TA
MS 212115 6504030 UP2L
CQWW 2019 CW 375 RN9T
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RW9TA, RC9T, RU8T, R8TA
MS 3123036 7498176 UP0L
RRDXC 2020 MIX 438 RN9T
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA, RU8T, RC9T, RW9TA
MS 3198543 6579916 UA9MA
CQWPX 2020 CW 17 R8TA
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA
SOLP 104104 5521140 R8CT
AADC 2020 CW 46 R8TA
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA
SOLP 96824 1547070 RD8D
IARU 2020 MIX 152 R8TA
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA
SOHP 256716 1606583 RK9AX
AADC 2020 SSB 340 RN9T
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA, RC9T, RD9SA, RW9SW, RX9SN, RX9SR, R9TV
MS 475952 1010648 UN9L
CQWW 2020 CW 36 R8TA
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: R8TA
SOLP 129444 3298450 R8CT

R8TA - Asiatic Russia
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