Qualification standings

Callsign lookup

Eligible Team Mate

Total WRTC qualification points: 4233
Total WRTC qualification points (with claimed scores): 4233
Area rank: 8 in AS2
Country rank: 18 in UA9 - Asiatic Russia
Multi operator entries: 0
Outside own area entries: 0
Total contest entries: 9

Event Year Mode Qualification Points Entry WRTC Category Contest Score Best Score by Remarks
CQWW 2019 SSB 383 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOLP 87870 206746 UA9ZZ
CQWW 2019 CW 145 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOHP 697425 4827636 RM9I
RRDXC 2020 MIX 898 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOLP 1825200 1829880 RU9I
CQWPX 2020 SSB 253 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOLP 355965 1204610 RV9UP
CQWPX 2020 CW 667 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOLP 329888 422994 RT9YA
AADC 2020 CW 720 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOLP 324142 324142 R9YC
AADC 2020 SSB 431 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOLP 44928 75150 RU9I
CQWW 2020 SSB 471 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOALP 262143 473585 RU9I
CQWW 2020 CW 265 R9YC
Score comparison area: AS2
Operators: R9YC
SOALP 520672 1671234 RU9I

R9YC - Asiatic Russia
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