Qualification standings

Callsign lookup

Total WRTC qualification points: 4778
Total WRTC qualification points (with claimed scores): 4778
Area rank: 16 in AS1
Country rank: 15 in UA9 - Asiatic Russia
Multi operator entries: 1
Outside own area entries: 0
Total contest entries: 12

Event Year Mode Qualification Points Entry WRTC Category Contest Score Best Score by Remarks
ARRLDX 2019 CW 680 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOALP 6600 6600 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOHP 321181 6138846 UA9MA
AADC 2019 CW 691 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOLP 912240 951658 RX9AF
IARU 2019 MIX 277 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOALP 485550 1419704 RC9A
WAEDC 2019 CW 313 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOLP 546336 1574880 R8CT
CQWW 2019 SSB 84 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOLP 78596 842851 7Z1IS
CQWW 2019 CW 700 RM9A
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP, RC9A, RG9A, RK9A, RL9A, RN9A, RO9A, RZ8A, UC9A, R9CM, RA9AA
MM 19003248 19003248 RM9A
RRDXC 2020 MIX 450 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOLP 2268487 4545562 R8CT
CQWPX 2020 CW 590 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOALP 4027552 5521140 R8CT
AADC 2020 CW 481 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOLP 1032845 1547070 RD8D
WAEDC 2020 CW 343 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOLP 548762 1442182 R8CT
CQWW 2020 SSB 0 (27) RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOALP 43310 1406088 UA9BA More than 12 entries.
CQWW 2020 CW 116 RA9AP
Score comparison area: AS1
Operators: RA9AP
SOALP 448766 3298450 R8CT

RA9AP - Asiatic Russia
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