Qualification standings

Callsign lookup

Total WRTC qualification points: 1813
Total WRTC qualification points (with claimed scores): 1813
Area rank: 51 in AS7
Country rank: 58 in UA9 - Asiatic Russia
Multi operator entries: 1
Outside own area entries: 1
Total contest entries: 7

Event Year Mode Qualification Points Entry WRTC Category Contest Score Best Score by Remarks
Score comparison area: AS7
Operators: RN0CT
SOHP 26544 370113 JR2GRX
RRDXC 2019 MIX 594 RN0CT
Score comparison area: AS7
Operators: RN0CT
SOHP 97478 164300 RW0LD
CQWPX 2019 SSB 683 RN0CT
Score comparison area: AS7
Operators: RN0CT
SOHP 3839844 5342057 JH4UYB
CQWW 2019 SSB 98 RN0CT
Score comparison area: AS7
Operators: RN0CT
SOHP 269451 2774236 JH4UYB
ARRLDX 2020 SSB 342 HC0T
Score comparison area: SA1
Operators: RN0CT, HC2AD, HC2AO, HC2AP, HC2TKV
MS 1923048 4049760 P40A
IARU 2020 MIX 18 RN0CT
Score comparison area: AS7
Operators: RN0CT
SOHP 18640 1028160 JO4JKL
CQWW 2020 SSB 20 RN0CT
Score comparison area: AS7
Operators: RN0CT
SOHP 59531 3047568 JH4UYB

RN0CT - Asiatic Russia
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