Qualification standings

Callsign lookup

Total WRTC qualification points: 1280
Total WRTC qualification points (with claimed scores): 1280
Area rank: 170 in EU8
Country rank: 28 in UR - Ukraine
Multi operator entries: 0
Outside own area entries: 0
Total contest entries: 12

Event Year Mode Qualification Points Entry WRTC Category Contest Score Best Score by Remarks
RRDXC 2019 MIX 0 (2) UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOHP 14250 8597319 UW2M More than 12 entries.
CQWPX 2019 SSB 275 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 763040 2242023 US2YW
IARU 2019 MIX 276 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 592176 1738659 UZ3A
AADC 2019 SSB 12 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOHP 1665 111454 UZ3A
WAEDC 2019 SSB 15 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOLP 7020 440825 OM0R
CQWW 2019 SSB 53 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 148365 2415253 UW7LL
ARRLDX 2020 CW 23 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOHP 55104 1991451 OM3BH
ARRLDX 2020 SSB 0 (7) US0YW
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 2001 220428 OM3GI More than one entry for this contest.
RRDXC 2020 MIX 242 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOLP 1724706 6438600 UW5Y
CQWPX 2020 SSB 197 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 945360 3875589 US2YW
AADC 2020 CW 22 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOHP 24522 921426 UW2M
IARU 2020 MIX 77 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 216062 2292930 UW7LL
WAEDC 2020 CW 34 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOLP 63232 1711360 OM0R
AADC 2020 SSB 0 (4) UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOHP 700 185220 UW2M More than 12 entries.
CQWW 2020 SSB 0 (4) UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 10500 2381808 UW7LL More than 12 entries.
CQWW 2020 CW 54 UR2Y
Score comparison area: EU8
Operators: US0YW
SOALP 146400 2313798 RL6M

US0YW - Ukraine
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