Modifications to the Qualification Rules and an explanation document (FAQ)


After the opening of the WRTC 2022 Mailing List the WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee is happy to publish some modifications to the Qualification Rules and an explanation document (FAQ).

On the website the complete new Qualifications Rules are now available HERE: there are some Selection Area adjustments and definitions, some changes in TM and TL Selections, and a revised weighting factor for Low Power. A complete list of changes from the preliminary rules is included at the end of the Qualification Rules document.

Please check not only the rules but also the FAQ document.
We will certify these Qualification Rules as “Final” at the end of January, since on the 16th of February there will be the first qualifying contest: the ARRL International DX CW Contest.

73 and buona fortuna!
WRTC 2022 Team