The World Radiosport Team Championship, also known as WRTC, is a global amateur radio competition that takes place every four years.
The competition brings together top amateur radio operators from around the world to compete against each other in various events.
In 2022, the WRTC will be held in Italy, and the organizing committee has established an official email reflector to keep competitors, volunteers, and spectators informed about the competition.
The official email reflector for WRTC2022 is
The purpose of this reflector is to facilitate communication between the organizing committee and the participants, volunteers, and other interested parties.
It is important to note that any other reflector is not official and any email sent to a non-official reflector will not be read by the organizing committee.
This is because the committee needs to maintain a centralized communication channel to ensure that everyone receives the same information and to avoid confusion.
Using non-official reflectors could result in missed information, miscommunication, and potential delays in receiving important updates.