World Radio Amateur Day 2023


World Radio Amateur Day is an annual event that is celebrated on April 18th to recognize the importance of amateur radio in providing communication services and promoting international goodwill among radio amateurs around the world.

In 2023, World Radio Amateur Day will be celebrated on April 18th, just like every year. This day is an opportunity for amateur radio enthusiasts to showcase their skills and abilities, to network with other amateur radio operators, and to raise awareness about the benefits of amateur radio communication.

The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is a high-profile amateur radio competition that was first held in 1990 in Seattle, USA. The idea for WRTC was born during the Goodwill Games with the aim of promoting friendship and goodwill among radio amateurs around the world.

WRTC is a unique contest that brings together the world's top amateur radio operators, who compete in a 24-hour contest that tests their skills in radio communication, station setup, and operator endurance. The competition is held every four years in a different location, and it is regarded as the "Olympics of amateur radio."

Overall, World Radio Amateur Day and WRTC are both important events that celebrate the achievements of amateur radio operators around the world and promote international goodwill through the use of radio communication.